In an unprecedented move, former intelligence chief Lieutenant General Faiz Hameed (Retd) has been taken into military custody as the Pakistan Army initiates a court martial process against him. The development marks the first time in the country’s history that a court martial has been initiated against a former intelligence chief.
According to a press release issued by the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) on Monday, a detailed court of inquiry was conducted by the Pakistan Army in compliance with orders from the Supreme Court of Pakistan. The inquiry was focused on allegations against Lt Gen Faiz Hameed related to the Top City housing scheme scandal.
The ISPR statement noted, “Consequently, appropriate disciplinary action has been initiated against Lt Gen Faiz Hameed (Retd), under provisions of Pakistan Army Act.” It further added that multiple instances of violations of the Pakistan Army Act post-retirement were also established, leading to the initiation of a Field General Court Martial. Lt Gen Faiz Hameed has been placed under military custody as part of this process.
The military’s inquiry committee, reportedly formed in April, was tasked with investigating allegations of misuse of authority against the former head of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI). Media reports suggest that the committee, headed by a serving major general, was formed as a gesture of self-accountability, in line with directives from the Supreme Court and the Ministry of Defence.
The allegations against Lt Gen Faiz Hameed are tied to claims made by the management of Top City, a private housing scheme, which accused the former ISI chief of orchestrating a raid on the offices and residence of its owner, Moeez Khan. The accusations were deemed of “extremely serious nature” by the Supreme Court, which warned that such allegations, if proven true, could undermine the reputation of key national institutions.
In addition to the court martial, Lt Gen Faiz Hameed’s brother, Sardar Najaf Hameed, has also faced legal challenges. In March 2024, Najaf Hameed was sent to Adiala Jail on a 14-day judicial remand by a Rawalpindi court. The charges against him include alleged corruption and the accumulation of assets beyond means, with links to the Top City scandal.