The Punjab police have confirmed that Bashir Shar, the primary suspect behind a deadly ambush on police in Rahim Yar Khan’s Machka area, has been killed during a retaliatory operation. The ambush, which resulted in the martyrdom of 12 police officers and left nine others injured, took place when police vehicles were returning from a camp in the Katcha (riverine) area.
The incident occurred as two police vehicles, carrying 22 officers, became vulnerable after one of the vehicles broke down in the muddy terrain, following recent heavy rains that had rendered the roads difficult to navigate. Taking advantage of the situation, dacoits launched a rocket attack followed by gunfire, leading to the tragic loss of life.
In response to the attack, both the Punjab and Sindh police launched a coordinated operation in the riverine regions, which are notorious for being strongholds of organized criminal gangs involved in kidnapping-for-ransom and other illicit activities. Punjab Inspector General Dr. Usman Anwar confirmed the deployment of 320 police personnel from Punjab, in addition to forces from Sindh, as part of the ongoing operation aimed at clearing the area of criminal elements.
Today, the Punjab police announced that Bashir Shar, the main suspect in the attack, had been neutralized during the operation. Furthermore, five of his accomplices—Sanaullah Shar, Gada Ali, Kamlu Shar, Ramzan Shar, and Gadi—were reported injured in the police action.
The operation in the Katcha areas continues as law enforcement agencies intensify efforts to dismantle the organized criminal networks that have long plagued the region, ensuring that those responsible for the heinous attack on the police force are brought to justice.