A violent incident unfolded early Tuesday outside the Toronto home of renowned rapper Drake, where a security guard was shot and seriously injured. The shooting occurred around 2:00 AM EDT at the corner of the Park Lane Circle mansion, an area known for its affluence, as suspects opened fire from a vehicle before escaping.
Toronto Police, including Inspector Paul Krawczyk of the Integrated Gun and Gang Task Force, are actively investigating the circumstances of the shooting. Although it is too early to determine a motive, the incident coincides with a heated verbal exchange between Drake and U.S. rapper Kendrick Lamar, raising questions about potential connections to the dispute.
The guard sustained multiple gunshot wounds, including one to the chest, and was rushed to the hospital, where he remains in serious condition. Police are reviewing surveillance footage, although details have not been released due to video quality issues.
This shooting has rocked the Bridle Path neighborhood, prompting a response from Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow, who emphasized the city’s stance against such violence and expressed hope that law enforcement would swiftly apprehend those responsible.
Amidst this backdrop is the escalating lyrical battle between Drake and Lamar, marked by a series of “diss tracks” that have recently intensified. Lamar’s latest track, “Not Like Us,” features cover art depicting Drake’s house and includes serious accusations against the Canadian rapper, to which Drake has vehemently responded, denying all allegations in his track “The Heart Part 6.”
The ongoing feud and the violent incident have cast a spotlight on Drake’s residence, famously dubbed “The Embassy,” known for its heightened security measures, including gates that exceed city height regulations.